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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 61 resurfacing

North of Lake City to South of Red Wing

Project details

Each day, approximately 8,000 drivers rely on Hwy 61 to travel to and from work, school and home and transport goods to regional destinations. The highway needs updates to restore the life of the aging road.

In a process called mill and overlay, MnDOT will remove (or mill) a 1.5-inch layer of pavement from the road and then repave it (or overlay) with a new, three-inch layer of asphalt. This process will provide a smoother road surface for motorists and restore the life of the aging highway. Pavement markings will also be updated, improving safety for both pedestrians and motorists.

The project will also include adding passing lanes near Frontenac to reduce congestion and allow an area for safer passing between Lake City and Red Wing. To create the bypass lanes, MnDOT will turn an intersection at the western end of 296th St. into a cul-de-sac.

MnDOT will also realign some intersections so that vehicles waiting to enter or cross Hwy 61 will have improved visibility, widen the road in multiple places to accommodate a bike lane, upgrade guardrails and complete bridge maintenance.