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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 22/Hwy 109


Public meetings

Upcoming opportunities

Stay tuned - future meetings and events will be posted here!

Past opportunities

Open house and public hearing
February 12, 2024
Open house: 3:30 - 5 p.m.
Public hearing: 5 p.m. during the Wells City Council meeting

Following an open house on the Hwy 22/Hwy 109 Wells project, MnDOT attended the Wells City Council meeting to seek a resolution to approve the project layout as part of the Municipal Consent process, given permanent right-of-way acquisition needed from the city as part of the project. City council approved the layout.

Wells City Council meeting
December 11, 2023

MnDOT provided a project update, as well as an overview of the Municipal Consent process for January - February 2024.

Wells City Council meeting
June 13, 2022

The Wells city council approved a Support of Concept resolution, moving the Hwy 22/Hwy 109 project design forward.

Wells City Council meeting
February 14, 2022

MnDOT provided a project update, including design changes based on city council input incorporated in the layout.

Wells City Council meeting
November 8, 2021

The Wells city council passed a resolution for Intent to Participate in the Hwy 22/Hwy 109 project.

Wells City Council meeting
Monday, September 27, 2021

MnDOT provided a project update to the city council, including community input to-date, revised concepts, city cost participation elements, and next steps.

Below is a summary of community feedback (virtual and in-person from July - September 1, 2021) on the four design concepts:

Draft design concept engagement summary
Summary of public input on design concepts (click to enlarge)

Input on Draft Design Concepts and Demonstration Project

July 9 - August 5, 2021

The public was able to provide feedback on draft design concepts for Hwy 22/Hwy 109 by visiting the engagement website, which showed a map for each of the four concepts. It also showed images of the demonstration project, which included temporarily installed bike lanes on Hwy 109 and curb extensions at the intersection of Hwy 22/3rd St. SW to test out potential pedestrian and bicyclist improvements. Participants were able to make comments on the concept maps and complete a survey.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021
4 - 6 p.m.
Marketplace Foods Parking Lot
190 3rd St. NE, Wells

MnDOT staff were at the Wells Farmers Market with information on the Hwy 22/Hwy 109 draft design concepts. Community members were able to learn more about the project, review the concepts, and provide input.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021
4 - 6:30 p.m.
United South Centeral School

MnDOT staff were at the United South Central Back to School Conferences with information on the Hwy 22/Hwy 109 draft design concepts. Community members were able to learn more about the project, review the concepts, and provide input.

Input on Issues and Opportunities (virtual)
December 7, 2020 - January 7, 2021

The public was able to share issues and opportunities throughout the corridor by dropping a pin on the interactive map, sharing comments on the ideas wall, and completing a survey. Input provided will help inform the project team of concerns and ideas, as well as identify community priorities.

Below is a summary of feedback on issues and opportunities:

Issues and opportunities engagement summary
Summary of public input on Hwy 22 Wells from Winter 2020 outreach (click to enlarge)