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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 93


Public notices

Findings of Fact and Conclusions Document (FOF&C): click to download PDF

Environmental Assessment Worksheet released for the proposed Highway 93 Grade Raise Project (SP 7212-21) in Sibley County, Minnesota

MnDOT, in partnership with the local communities, is proposing to reconstruct a 3.6-mile segment of Highway 93 south of the City of Henderson in Henderson Township, Sibley County. The work includes placing fill/embankment along the corridor in order to raise the roadway profile to an elevation where the outside edge of the shoulder is at least one foot above the historic (September 2010) Minnesota River high-water flood event level (similar to the 100-year flood elevation). The project will replace the existing bridge over the Rush River and lengthen it to create a new 212-foot (inside span) main channel bridge over the Rush River, as well as construct a new 270-foot (inside span) relief bridge located north of the 308th Lane intersection. The Henderson South Levee system at Highway 93 will be modified as part of this project.

The Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) describes the proposed action, impacts and mitigation. The EAW was available for public review during the public comment period, February 21, 2023, through March 23, 2023.

Hwy 93 EAW document (pdf)

Allanson's Park

Notice of availability and comment period for the Highway 93 Grade Raise Project and Section 4(f) de minimis preliminary determination

There was an opportunity for the public to comment on the Hwy 93 Grade Raise Project Section 4(f) de minimis preliminary determination as part of the project’s environmental review process. Comments were submitted on or before January 19, 2023.

In accordance with 23 CFR 774.5, MnDOT is soliciting comments on the effects this project would have on Allanson’s Park. The project will impact 2.78 acres of the northeastern edge of the park at the Ridge Road intersection.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has made a preliminary determination that the proposed action affecting an approximate 2.78-acre area of Allanson’s Park is a Section 4(f) de minimis action in accordance with Section 6009(a) of SAFETEA-LU, conditioned on public review and comment. A de minimis finding may be made when uses of Section 4(f) land will have no adverse effect on the protected resources.