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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 23 Interchange

New London

Project timeline


MnDOT conducted a Safety Assessment, identified potential intersection improvements, and engaged community members. A J-turn was the recommended safety improvement.


MnDOT started preliminary design of a J-turn at Hwy 23 and Hwy 9, held stakeholder conversations and conducted community engagement.


Hearing concerns, MnDOT decided to pause the construction of a J-turn at the intersection and re-evaluate safety improvement options.


MnDOT facilitated a new community input process, including the formation of an advisory group, to assist in the identification of a safety improvement. The advisory group helped analyze potential safety solutions, considered public feedback, and provided input to MnDOT on a safety improvement that can be implemented in the next five years.


Kandiyohi County solicited for interchange funding through the Legislature's Corridors of Commerce program which was announced in July 2023. MnDOT District 8 was awarded $33 million from the Corridors of Commerce program which will make it possible to build an interchange at the Hwy 23 and Hwy 9 intersection in New London.

Thank you to the community

  • MnDOT would like to thank the community, Advisory Group members, city of New London and Kandiyohi County for participating in the community input process for the Hwy 23 safety improvement project.
  • Kandiyohi County's solicitation to request funding for an interchange through the Legislature's Corridors of Commerce program made it possible to proceed with the project.
  • Everyone's participation and feedback helped to secure the special funding required to build an interchange.
  • The Advisory Group was integral in helping analyze potential safety improvements, consider public feedback, and give input to MnDOT.

Advisory group members

  • Kelly Asche, New London City Council
  • Doug Dietz, New London Township
  • Roger Imdieke, County Commissioner
  • Randy Juhl, New London-Spicer School District
  • Trooper (Josh) Monson, MN State Patrol
  • Mel Odens, Kandiyohi County
  • Stacy Petersen, Amcon Concrete Products
  • Josh Reed, New London Chamber of Commerce President and business owner
  • Anthony Rupp, New London Fire Chief
  • Richard Schmidt, business owner and community member
  • Darica Schneider, Univar Solutions and community member
  • Dr. Richard Wehseler, community member

MnDOT District 8 staff

  • Jon Huseby, District Engineer
  • Ryan Barney
  • Cody Brand

Short-term intersection improvements

  • MnDOT installed LED intersection warning signs at the intersection of Hwy 23 and Hwy 9 as a short-term improvement. See an image of the signs and locations (PDF).
  • An offset right-turn lane, from westbound Hwy 23 to westbound Hwy 9 is being constructed during the summer of 2023, along with additional signing for eastbound traffic.