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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Design System

Numbers and percentages

Numbers in body of text

Write numbers nine and lower in words; write numbers 10 and over in figures. Spell out any number that begins a sentence, unless the number is a year. Hyphenate spelled-out numbers larger than 20.

Twenty-one years ago, the Legislature enacted a law governing bridges. 

Use the same style to express related numbers above and below ten. If any of the numbers are above ten, put them all in figures. 


  • We used to have two dogs, one cat, and one rabbit.
  • We now have 5 dogs, 11 cats and 1 rabbit.

Large numbers 

Use commas to separate thousands. 

Spell out million, billion, trillion, etc. after a figure.
1 million

Use decimal points to denote hundreds of thousands, etc.
1.25 million


Use the % symbol when paired with a numeral, with no space, in most cases. Use figures. 


  • 1%
  • 4 percentage points
  • Average hourly pay rose 3.1% from a year ago.
  • Her mortgage rate is 4.75%.
  • About 60% of Americans agreed.
  • He won 56.2% of the vote.

Fractions and decimals

Express mixed number in figures, except at the beginning of a sentence.

Best practice is to use decimal points (1.5, 2.75). When spelling out fractions, do not use a hyphen between the whole number and fraction.

“One and a-half…” at the beginning of a sentence. 

Inclusive numbers

Use the word “to” to link two figures that represent a continuous sequence. The only exceptions are references to school years, tax years and the like. In these references, do not abbreviate the second figure. 


  • The latest sales projections indicate an increase this year from $5.2 million to $6.3 million.
  • the 1998-1999 fiscal year


  • the 1998-99 fiscal year