E-Ticketing (Material Delivery Management System [MDMS])
- Passwords
- Obtain log-in password(s) for the MDMS from the Contractor for use by MnDOT construction staff and the AMT unit (MaterialsTechnology.dot@state.mn.us).
- Contractor must provide the Department with access to the Contractor’s MDMS prior to the start of delivery of material and until 90 days after final acceptance of all work.
- Training
- Contractor is required to provide the Engineer with training on the use of their MDMS no later than 7 calendar days prior to the start of work requiring the MDMS.
- Review E-Ticket, at this time, to ensure no missing data fields.
- Agency Verification
- Complete random verification of the MDMS data per the schedule outlined in Table 2061-15.
- Document completion of random verification for contract files.
- An agency verification form is not required in the special provision, however, one has been created (AMT-301) and is available for use on the AMT website.
- Paper weight tickets and documentation
- The Engineer will use paper weight tickets for MnDOT, 2360.5, 2363.5, 2365.5 Basis of Payment and for requirements of the Schedule of Materials Control.
- Collect and store paper weight tickets in the contract files.
- At a minimum, collect paper weight tickets at the end of each day.
- Download excel (csv) export for the MDMS data, daily, and attach to daily work report (DWR) at posting level in AASHTOWare project for documentation.
- Contracts requiring the MDMS no longer require signatures on the paper tickets or electronice signatures on the E-Tickets.
- Monetary adjustment
- A single lump sum payment of $5,000 is available should the Contractor’s MDMS meet the provision and also provides the additional items listed in S-xx.5A Monetary Adjustment.
- Contact AMT unit if Contractor has noted that they meet the requirements for this lump sum payment. The AMT unit will aid with verification that the Contractor’s MDMS meets these additional requirements.
References: Special Provision (2061) Quality Management – E-Ticketing, Advanced Materials and Technology Unit, Uses of Intelligent Construction Technology (ICT) Guide; Bituminous Manual (pg. 109); Contract Administration Manual (pg 79)