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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Geographic Information & Mapping

Preparing and maintaining core GIS and CAD data at a planning level scale

map with a compass and magnifying glass

Geographic Information & Mapping

Computer-aided design map of downtown Minneapolis. The Geographic Information & Mapping and Basemap Sections are responsible for maintaining core Computer-aided design and Geographic Information Systems data for the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
The GIM Section is responsible for maintaining base mapping products for MnDOT.

The Geographic Information and Mapping (GIM) Section is responsible for preparing and maintaining base mapping products. The dataset includes metadata and information about transportation features, boundaries, and stream and lake locations. While these maps are built in GIS, they are offered online in PDF format. The GIM Section also offers GIS support and training.

The GIM Section produces MnDOT's cartography for the Official State Highway Map as well as individual GIS maps for Minnesota's 87 counties, 854 cities, and 1,781 townships. The section also provides other GIS products, special purpose mapping, and services upon request for reports and exhibits.

Paper copies of our maps can be obtained at MnDOT's Map and Manual Sales. For additional information about MnDOT traffic data, please visit

Cartographic Products - Minnesota Official State Highway Map and other static maps at the state, county, Twin Cities Metro Area, and municipality level
Maps | Methods

GIS Data

  • Enterprise MnDOT Mapping Application (EMMA) - online viewer that provides statewide coverage of MnDOT Basemap information, including all public roads in Minnesota; allows users to view, save, and print maps
  • MnMap - collaborative GIS information site brought to you by MnDOT and supported by ESRI; features static maps and a customizable, interactive map of Minnesota

Status Procedures