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Vermillion St. Corridor Study

This 2018 City of Hastings study focused on creating “a plan for the economic redevelopment and revitalization of Vermillion Street.” The city recognized factors such as aesthetics, multi-modal transportation, and connections as fundamental to the corridor’s economic vitality. For more information visit the City of Hastings website.

Hastings 2040 Comprehensive Plan

The city adopted the 2040 comprehensive plan in December 2020. The Transportation chapter identifies a range of potential access modifications and transportation improvements to help address future community mobility needs. For more information visit the City of Hastings website.

Hastings People Movement Plan

This 2021 City of Hastings plan was developed to guide future improvements to the non-motorized transportation system (sidewalks, bike routes, trails, road crossings, etc.) in Hastings. The plan paid special focus on improvements that will have the greatest impact on SHIP (State Health Improvement Partnership) priority populations including:

  • People who are 60 years old or older,
  • Children,
  • People with low incomes,
  • Or others experiencing a health disparity.

For more information visit the City of Hastings website.