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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 97

Forest Lake

About this project

Highway 97 in Forest Lake project area map.

Hwy 97 in Forest Lake project location map.

View full-size map

Starting in Spring 2025, Hwy 97 will be reconstructed between I-35 and Hwy 61 to improve traffic flow and safety.  Turn lanes will be added at specific intersections along the highway and a single-lane roundabout at Fenway Avenue also will be constructed. A raised median will be added to divide east and westbound traffic on the two-lane roadway. The median will also serve as an accessible pedestrian crossing. A new multi-use trail will be constructed along the south side of Hwy 97 to provide a safer space for pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as a connection to the Hardwood Creek Regional Trail.

Summary of work

  • Reconstruct roadway and add raised medians
  • Add turnlanes at specific intersections
  • Build a single-lane roundabout
  • Construct multi-use trail
  • Upgrade pedestrian accessibility
  • Repair/replace drainage

Project timeline

Consstruction will be done in two stages, with one half of the road under construction each year.

  • Stage 1 spring 2025: Hornseby St. to Falcon Ave.
  • Stage 2 spring 2026: Falcon Ave. to Forest Blvd.

Project visualization

Check out a video visualization of what the finished project area is anticipated to look like.

Traffic impacts

All traffic impacts are tentative and weather dependent.


Information about upcoming traffic impacts will be posted as details become available.