About this project

Hwy 97 in Forest Lake project location map.
Starting in Spring 2025, Hwy 97 will be reconstructed between I-35 and Hwy 61 to improve traffic flow and safety. Turn lanes will be added at specific intersections along the highway and a single-lane roundabout at Fenway Avenue also will be constructed. A raised median will be added to divide east and westbound traffic on the two-lane roadway. The median will also serve as an accessible pedestrian crossing. A new multi-use trail will be constructed along the south side of Hwy 97 to provide a safer space for pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as a connection to the Hardwood Creek Regional Trail.
Summary of work
- Reconstruct roadway and add raised medians
- Add turnlanes at specific intersections
- Build a single-lane roundabout
- Construct multi-use trail
- Upgrade pedestrian accessibility
- Repair/replace drainage
Project timeline
Consstruction will be done in two stages, with one half of the road under construction each year.
- Stage 1 spring 2025: Hornseby St. to Falcon Ave.
- Stage 2 spring 2026: Falcon Ave. to Forest Blvd.