Metro District Traffic Engineering
Metro District Traffic Engineering is primarily responsible for the design, operation and maintenance of the Metro District's traffic control devices and provides support and expertise to other functional offices and road authorities to create a safe and efficient transportation system.
Data Collection
Collects traffic data, which is used for turning movement counts, stop sign delay studies, pedestrian/bicycle counts, and gap studies, as well as calculate Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT).
Manages and develops the design of all permanent and temporary lighting systems; writes agreements for cost, operation, maintenance, and power.
Program Support
Provide traffic engineering, capacity, and safety analysis for the planning and development of all metro projects; Identify and program traffic safety and capacity projects; investigate tort claims and lawsuits; perform freeway traffic modeling; conduct speed studies.
Signal Design
Develops signal plan packages, which includes signal plans, special provisions, and engineering cost estimates.
Signal Operations
Develops timing and coordination plans; responds to customer inquiries; monitors system performance; detects operational and maintenance problems (contact email); provides quality control and inspection, coordinates signal turn-ons; provides arterial modeling services; and evaluates arterial performance.
Designs signing plans; provides technical assistance to construction and maintenance; and monitors, revises, and replaces existing signing.
Work Zones & Pavement Marking
Designs traffic control and pavement marking plans; provides technical assistance to construction and maintenance; manages "No Passing" zones; manages and publishes the Lane Closure Manual; and manages traffic impacts.