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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT IT and Data Standards

Use of OneDrive Standard

MnDOT Standard # IT-002
Adopted: May 27, 2024
Effective: July 17, 2024

View/print signed standard (PDF)

Please go to the MnDOT Org Chart to find specific contact information: Org Chart.

Responsible Senior Officer: Technology and Data Leadership Committee Chair
Standard Owner: Director, Office of Administration
Contact: Supervisor, BIS Support and Training Team

Statement of standard

OneDrive is an electronic file storage option available to all MnDOT employees for approved business use. Employees are permitted to use OneDrive according to the “Approved Uses” section in this standard. Employees are not permitted to use OneDrive for activity described in the “Prohibited Uses” section of this standard.


Employees are strongly encouraged to review MnDOT’s OneDrive training materials before using OneDrive.

Approved Uses

  • Syncing OneDrive and other M365 storage locations (such as SharePoint and Teams) to Windows File Explorer.
  • Saving documents for individual work use (not for official record storage- see unapproved uses below).
  • As a personal document “staging” area for drafts.
  • For files that are automatically saved to OneDrive as a feature of M365 applications.

Prohibited Uses

Employees must adhere to the following requirements to maintain proper information security, access, and recordkeeping:

Additional Information About the Use of OneDrive

  • Employees are strongly encouraged to follow the Best Practices for File-Naming when saving files.
  • OneDrive is configured so that files can only be shared with individuals and groups with State of Minnesota M365 accounts. To share a file with an external partner, use an appropriate SharePoint or Teams location (see Electronic File Storage – “Where Should I Store My Stuff?”).
  • Employees do not have an expectation of privacy in OneDrive (or any other state-owned system). Data in OneDrive is government data subject to the classification and access requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and to discovery in litigation.

Reason for standard

OneDrive is an enterprise cloud storage solution for use by MnDOT employees as part of the Microsoft 365 package. Once set up, it can be accessed directly from Windows Explorer like other network drives.  OneDrive has some distinct differences from traditional network drives: significantly larger storage space, the ability to share files with other staff on a person-by-person basis, cross-platform support, and the option to edit files simultaneously with other users (also called co-authoring). These features of OneDrive are well suited to support a hybrid workforce.


This standard applies to all MnDOT staff and management, contractors, districts, offices, and other entities that have been provided with a State of Minnesota Microsoft 365 (M365) account.

Roles and responsibilities


  • Use OneDrive according to this standard and other relevant policies and standards related to the use and management of electronic information.
  • Stay informed and familiar with best practices and features for sharing and permission management (see Learning Pathways).
  • Search for and provide MnDOT Office of Chief Counsel staff with data stored in OneDrive, as requested.
  • When separating from MnDOT employment, include OneDrive content in the review of all work-related content that may need to be retained by a program or unit after the employee departs.
  • Annually review OneDrive files to determine if they need to be moved or deleted.
    • Do not keep official records in OneDrive. Official MnDOT records must be stored in the repository designated on the MnDOT Record Retention Schedule.
    • Limit storage of duplicate copies of documents saved elsewhere.
    • Do not retain files in OneDrive for longer than three years unless they are being accessed regularly.


  • Ensure employees are aware of this standard and other relevant policies and standards related to the use and management of electronic information.
  • When an employee is separating from MnDOT employment, include OneDrive content in the review of all work-related content that may need to be retained by a program or unit after the employee departs.
    • After an employee departs MnDOT, OneDrive content may be accessed for 30 days after which the files will be automatically deleted.
    • The departing employee’s supervisor must request access to the departing employee’s OneDrive to review content that may need to be retained. Requests for access must be routed to MNIT through the IT Storefront.

Standard Owner

  • Review the standard every two years, or sooner as necessary, to ensure the standard remains current.  
  • Ensure documents and training associated with the standards remain current.
  • Communicate the requirements of the standard.

Resources and related information

History and updates


May 27, 2024

Review of standard

The next scheduled review of this standard is due May 2026.