About this project
Summary of work

Reconstruction of Hwy 43/Mankato Ave. from Sugar Loaf View to Belleview St. began on April 11 with the majority of work completed late November 2022. This included adding roundabouts at the following intersections: Hwy 61, Riverbend Rd., Frontenac Dr., and Sarnia St. Portions of Sarnia St. were also reconstructed. Learn more about roundabouts and how to navigate them.
Want to know more about roundabouts?
Pedestrian safety at roundabouts
Learn how pedestrian crossings and traffic work (YouTube)
Additional resources
Below are additional resources that explain roundabout benefits and tips to navigate them safely.
- Navigating a Multi-Lane Roundabout (YouTube)
- Minnesota Roundabout Resources (MnDOT website includes videos, brochures, research, examples)
- How Roundabouts Work (WisDOT website includes videos, brochures, FAQ)
Reasons for reconstruction
MnDOT reconstructed this stretch of Hwy 43 to improve safety and decrease congestion. Thousands of residents, commuters and business owners rely on the 3/4 mile stretch of Hwy 43/Mankato Ave. between Sugar Loaf View and Bellview St. in Winona each day.
This stretch of road needed to be improved. There have been 120 crashes at the Hwy 61 and Hwy 43 intersection over the past 10 years which is the second-highest crash rate for any stretch in southeast Minnesota. People traveling on this road also experienced longer-than-average delays and traffic back-ups during rush hour. Meanwhile, pedestrians and bicyclists had a difficult time crossing the road.
Stages of construction
- Created one lane of traffic in each direction on Hwy 61. There was also work on the north side of Sarnia St.
- Reconstructed a significant portion of the Hwy 61/Hwy 43 intersection as well as the eastbound lanes on Hwy 61, East Lake Blvd., the west side of Mankato Ave. from Sugar Loaf View to Frontenac Dr. and the east side of Mankato Ave. from Frontenac Dr. to Belleview St.
- Work occurred adjacent to the main roadways and a portion of the box culvert located just south of Sarnia St. at Gilmore Creek was replaced
- Reconstructed the east side of Mankato Ave. from Sugar Loaf View to Frontenac Dr., the west side of Mankato Ave. from Frontenac Dr. to Belleview St. and the south side of Sarnia St.
- Minor work occurred along the highways including median treatments and roundabout center island landscaping.