Project background
Mankato Ave. is an important and heavily-utilized corridor in the city of Winona – serving as the single artery on the east side of Lake Winona and doubles as Hwy 43 (TH 43), which is the only route to cross the Mississippi River for nearly 30 miles in either direction. Its intersection with Hwy 61, just south of Lake Winona, serves as a critical access point between Winona, I-90 and the greater region. Under the Mississippi River bluffs and Sugar Loaf rock pinnacle, the Mankato Ave. corridor serves as an entryway to Winona from the south.
MnDOT and the City of Winona have determined that approximately three quarters of a mile of Hwy 43 (Mankato Ave.) in Winona requires reconstruction. This project that has been discussed for decades and it calls for the reconstruction of Hwy 43 from Sugar Loaf View to Belleview St.
This project presents an important opportunity for traffic and safety improvements along the corridor. There have been 120 total crashes (including two fatal and 41 injury crashes) over the past 10 years. This is the second highest crash cost intersection in southeast Minnesota. In addition, during morning and evening rush hour, the traffic signal cycle length exceeds three minutes, causing long delays and traffic backups. Finally, pedestrians and bicyclists have a difficult time crossing because of long crossing distances and lack of accommodation. This reconstruction project, which will include adding new roundabouts on Hwy 43, will protect pedestrians, lower crash risk and decrease vehicles delays at the intersection.

Hwy 43 Roundabouts project map
Documents, videos and layout
- Pedestrians and bicyclists crossing a multilane roundabout
- Driver's view of roundabout corridor similar to Hwy 43/Mankato Ave.
- Traffic flow of multilane roundabout similar to plans for Hwy 61/Hwy 43 intersection
Constructability reviews
Project Schedule
- Data collection and survey
- Project scoping
- Multimodal traffic study
- Preliminary roadway design
- Engagement Committee meeting
- Public Open House #1
- Multimodal traffic study
- Preliminary roadway design
- Detailed roadway design
- Noise wall study
- Engagement Committee meetings
- Public Open House #2 and #3
- Municipal Consent from City of Winona
- Detailed roadway design
- Engagement Committee meetings
- Public Open House #4
- Project bid letting
- Public meeting #5
- Construction begins in the spring and wraps up in the fall
- Additional minor construction