Resources by topic
Approved/qualified products
Bikes and pedestrians
Bridge design and construction
Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD)
Context Sensitive Solutions
- MnDOT Context Sensitive Solutions Guidance
- FHWA Context Sensitive Design & Solutions
- Design Excellence Through Context Sensitive Design - Tech Memo
Cost participation policy
Design Manual
Design practices and procedures
- Design Scene guidance and email updates
- Geometric design and layout development
- Design tools for ADA and accessibility
- Performance-Based Practical Design (PBPD)
Design specifications
- MnDOT highway project development process (HPDP)
- Visual imaging services
- Plant Selector program for roadside planting
- Erosion and sediment control
- Mn/Model Statewide Archaeological Predictive Model
- Bridge scour evaluation procedures
- MnDOT Metro District Stormwater Program
- MnDOT Drainage Manual
- MnDOT Culvert & Storm Drain Inspection Database Program (HydInfra)
Pavement design
Project development
Quality design
- Research, test, and deploy advanced transportation technology
- Minnesota Guidestar
- Transportation research at U of M in conjunction with MnDOT
Rest areas
- Safety rest areas and waysides
- Historic roadside development structures on Minnesota highways
- Scenic byways
Right of way
Standard drawings
State Aid for Local Transportation
Technical Memorandums
Traffic engineering
Traffic lighting and signals
- Traffic signal resources
- Traffic lighting resources
- Metro District traffic signal and lighting resources