About this project

I-94 and I-394 project location map.
We are repairing bridges and ramps along I-394 and I-94 between downtown Minneapolis and Hwy 100. This project also includes realigning the I-394 to Dunwoody Blvd. ramp, replacing the deck for the Penn Ave. bridge that crosses over I-394, and other improvements along I-394 between downtown Minneapolis and Hwy 100.
Summary of work
- Repair 34 bridges and ramps along I-394 and I-94, including the Penn Ave. bridge, the I-394 bridges over I-94 and Dunwoody Blvd. and ramps at the I-94/I-394 interchange
- Realign the I-394 to Dunwoody Blvd. ramp
- Replace the deck on part of the Dunwoody Blvd. bridge
- Replace bridge joints, repair pavement, and improve drainage at various locations in the project area
- Replace the Penn Ave. bridge deck
- Accessibility, lighting, and sidewalk improvements at Dunwoody Blvd.
- Accessibility and sidewalk improvements at Penn Ave.