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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 61 study

St. Paul

Engagement update

July 2024

We gathered feedback from the public on short- and long-term ideas for improvement in the study area with an online survey in June and July 2024 and a public meeting on Thu, June 27. Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey and attended the meeting. There were 1,149 responses to the survey. The survey closed on Sun, July 14, 2024. If you missed the deadline and would still like to submit your feedback, you can leave a comment or question or reach out to the study team.

The study team is currently analyzing the ideas for improvement, and analyzing and summarizing the feedback received from the public. We are also continuing to meet with community organizations, agencies and business to get feedback on the ideas for improvement.

Don't forget to sign up for email updates to receive information on how you can share your input and stay up to date as this study progresses.

Engagement summary

October 2023

From July to October 2023, the study team conducted engagement to inform the public about the study and listen to residents and those who travel along and across the study area. The study team also collected and analyzed technical data including safety, current traffic volumes, vehicle turning movements, crashes, and conducted traffic forecasting and modeling. Information gathered during engagement and the technical analysis was used to help establish the purpose and need for the Hwy 61 study, which will help with the development and analysis of ideas for improvements, also known as alternatives.

The study team attended three community events and hosted two public meetings to speak with residents about the study and gather feedback about the study area.

A public survey was available from September to October. During the approximately two months the survey was active 379 people responded with their input.

What people said

43 percent of respondents who travel along or across highway 61 between I-94 and Lower Afton Road almost every day

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Transportation frequency and purpose

Respondents top transportation purposes were work, shopping or other errands, living near Hwy 61 and taking children to/from school.

Reasons respondents avoid traveling along the study area

Congestion, traffic lights, and difficulty navigating the study area were cited by the respondents as reasons they avoid traveling along Hwy 61 from I-94 to Lower Afton Rd.

57 percent mentioned congestion, 20 percent mentioned traffic lights and 8 percent mentioned difficulty navigating

Pedestrian access

58 percent of respondents who walk or bike said they avoid walking/biking across Highway 61 at Burns Avenue

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Burns Ave. and Lower Afton Rd. were frequently cited as intersections where pedestrians and bicyclists feel unsafe. Reasons listed for avoiding crossing Burns Ave. include high driver speeds and volume in addition to uncomfortable crossing distances. Lower Afton Rd. has the park and ride drop off, where many pedestrians walk across the road.

Priorities for respondents

The three highest-ranked priorities for respondents were improving safety, travel time / congestion, and access to parks and trails.

Priorities for respondents were safety, travel time/congestion and access to parks and trails

Primary needs

The Hwy 61 study will identify the transportation needs for the corridor. Needs help define the purpose of proposed future improvements. Based on the existing conditions of the corridor, the needs for this study are:

  • Safety
  • Mobility
  • Walkability/bikeability

Alternatives development and analysis

January through June 2024

The study team is developing ideas for improvements or alternatives and analyzing them against the purpose and needs. Your input is needed! Sign up for email updates to receive information on how you can share your input on the ideas for improvement.